Public Administration

Hispanic man sitting in a wheelchair working at a computer in a modern office
About the Pathway

A career in the public sector offers a fulfilling pathway for individuals motivated by community impact, policy work, and public service. Generally, public sector careers can start with entry-level positions in local government, nonprofit organizations, or federal agencies. Common entry points include roles like administrative assistants, program coordinators, or research associates, particularly for those with undergraduate degrees in fields like political science, public administration, or social sciences.

With experience, professionals often move into roles with specialized responsibilities, such as policy analysts, program managers, or budget analysts. These mid-level positions require critical skills in data analysis, strategic planning, and stakeholder engagement. Additional certifications, like a Certified Public Manager (CPM) or Project Management Professional (PMP), can be advantageous, especially for roles that involve overseeing teams or projects.

Advancement opportunities are available for those who pursue further education, such as a Master of Public Administration (MPA) or Master of Public Policy (MPP). Senior roles, including department heads, policy advisors, or executive directors, emphasize leadership, policy development, and cross-agency collaboration. In these positions, individuals influence broader policy decisions, oversee significant projects, and manage larger teams. 5.1% of jobs in Eagle County are within the Public Administration pathway.

A career in public administration is perfect for those who love solving problems, connecting with diverse people, and making a difference in their community. It’s a dynamic field where you get to tackle big issues, find creative solutions, and work with others to make things happen.

Learning & Training Resources


Public Works

Information Technology / Network & Computer Systems Administrator

Getting Started

Students interested in entering this pathway can apply for apprenticeship, internship, job
shadow, and employment opportunities. Students should begin by talking with their school counselor to ensure they have room in their high school course load. From there, counselors will connect students with a CareerX team member to assess their interests and determine a placement for them.

There are many entry points into this pathway, and some require specific skills training while others start with basic customer service skills.

Adults interested in entering the public administration pathway can explore the Colorado Mountain College programs listed above and contact local employers directly about on the job training opportunities and professional development opportunities based on your skills and interests.

Career Options with Salary Range
  • Accountant: $87,000
  • Public Works: Varies by skill set
  • Urban & Regional Planner: $83,130
  • Information Technology / Network & Computer Systems Administrator: $93,290
  • Building Inspectors: $73,130
Featured Employers

Employers offering quality jobs play a vital role in supporting economic growth and stability by providing fair wages, career advancement opportunities, and a positive work environment, attracting talent and contributing to a thriving community.