Why Finding Your Purpose is Overrated: Create Your Future Instead

The moment I read this quote on a card sent by a friend, it hit me like a ton of bricks and everything shifted – I couldn’t help but think that I’ve been tricked all along and have been wasting so much precious time! The simplicity of the truth in this statement was nothing short of life-changing for me.

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We’ve been taught all our lives to find our purpose, to have a clear vision of what we want to achieve and who we want to be. We’re told that our purpose is the key to finding happiness and fulfillment in life. But what if we’ve been taught the wrong thing? What if the real secret to success and happiness is not finding your purpose but instead creating your future?

As someone living in a mountain town, you’re likely surrounded by beautiful scenery and endless opportunities for adventure. You’re probably someone who’s drawn to challenge and risk and who craves a life that’s full of meaning and impact. If that’s the case, then it’s time to rethink the traditional notion of purpose and start building a better future for yourself.

The truth is, finding your purpose is hard. It’s elusive and often doesn’t reveal itself until much later in life. In the meantime, you’re stuck wondering what your purpose is and whether or not you’re living up to it. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, and a sense of being unfulfilled.

At Mountain Careers we have a different philosophy! Instead of trying to find your purpose, why not focus on creating your future? This means taking an active role in shaping your destiny and creating a life that aligns with your values and interests. It’s about setting goals, taking action, and continually learning and growing as a person.

Creating your future also means being open to new experiences and embracing uncertainty. It requires a willingness to take risks and try new things, even if they make you uncomfortable or challenge your sense of self.

Living in a mountain town provides a unique opportunity to create a future that’s both fulfilling and adventurous. 

Try the following:

  • Volunteer and/or sign up for a local ‘meet-up’ …. Trail building, biking or skinning, join a local child care board. The options are endless!
  • Apply for different jobs and work hard to get an in person interview. Even by connecting at this stage in the process you are growing your network and experiences. 
  • Invest in your continued education. Take classes at the local community college, online or with a local Leadership Academy. 
  • Passionate about a sport! Find a club to join. If there is not one yet, start one!
  • Want to impact your community? Attend local Town Council meetings and join a board. Get involved.

Whatever you do, be consistent. Show up and be involved on a consistent basis. 

For those who love the outdoors, the mountains provide endless opportunities for adventure and exploration. As someone living in a mountain town, so don’t wait for your purpose to reveal itself – take action, set goals, and start building the life you truly want today. Curious about job opportunities in the mountains? Check out www.mountaincareers.com (browse jobs | post jobs)